We invite you to the joint workshop From fast-field cycling to ultrafast high-resolution relaxometry, a joint meeting of the FC-RELAX doctoral network and the HIRES-MULTIDYN project from March 13 to March 15 2025. We have a fantastic and diverse program that covers all flavors of relaxometry, with exceptional speakers, join us!
The workshop will be followed by a training school on high-resolution relaxometry from March 17 to March 19 2025.
Registration is free but mandatory for both events. Please register before February 9 by filling the forms:
- Registration for the workshop on relaxometry: from fast field cycling to ultrafast high-resolution relaxometry, March 13-15.
- Registration for the training school on high-resolution relaxometry, March 17-19.

We were so happy to meet again in person for our third consortium meeting end of November 2023.
This year, CERM-CIRMMP hosted us in Florence. Exciting results and amazing achievements!

Great people, great science, great meeting! It is always a pleasure to meet together.
Our last consortium meeting took place in Paris in November 2022.

Our consortium meeting in June 2022 at the Bruker site in Wissembourg.

The kick off meeting took place on November 20th