Welcome to our site! The project HIRES-MULTIDYN is funded by the H2020 FET-Open program of the European Commission, Grant agreement 899683.

We are developing new instruments, methods, and theory to investigate and understand motions in complex media relevant for health, food, energy.

Latest news

Exciting news!

You are invited to the workshop: from fast field-cycling to ultrafast high-resolution relaxometry we organize jointly with the FC-RELAX doctoral network on March 13-15! Check our exciting program, fantastic speakers and register to join us in beautiful Paris!

The workshop will be followed by a training school on high-resolution relaxometry on March 17-19. Stay with us to learn how to use high-resolution relaxometry to investigate molecular dynamics in liquids.

Find below some updates from the researches carried out by Dr Giulia Licciardi at the CERM/CIRMMP.

15N longitudinal relaxation measurements at different fields in IDPs show how relaxation rates are more discriminant at low magnetic fields, and thus more informative on protein dynamics

High resolution relaxometry allows for monitoring the field dependence of the 1H longitudinal relaxation rates of each resolved signal. Diverse relaxation profiles indicate different dynamics of individual protons within a complex viscous system such as olive oil

We are delighted to invite you to attend the Shuttle NMR at EUROMAR meeting on the morning (8:30-13:30) of July 5th, 2024, in Bilbao, the day after the EUROMAR conference.

Please check the webpage of the meeting to discover our stellar list of speakers, practical information, and updates.

Impressive presentation by Giacomo Parigi from
the CERM-CIRMMP at EUROMAR 2023 in July in Glasgow, including many results from our project.

The second review meeting of the HIRES-MULTIDYN project took place on May 24th 2023.
The review panel praised our work and progress.

Congratulations to all partners!

Bruker’s team in Florence (CIRMMP) in March 2023 to install the second fast shuttle prototype!

Installation of the Bruker fast shuttle at CIRMMP

Sample shuttle

Busy August. A sample is in and ready to shuttle by Olof Stenström at ENS.

Happy August time!

Here, at Ecole normale supérieure, we are very happy to welcome the Bruker’s team for the installation of the fast sample shuttle.

New research! Check out how the teams at ENS, CIRMMP and Bruker have developed together a method to identify metabolite-protein interactions in biofluids.