We will be happy to welcome you for our training school on high-resolution relaxometry from March 17 to March 19 2025, organized jointly between the FC-RELAX doctoral network and HIRES-MULTIDYN, the week following the workshop on relaxometry. The training school will be run by HIRES-MULTIDYN partners and feature Arthur G. Palmer, from Columbia University, as invited speaker.
Registration is free but mandatory before February 9. Register here. Don’t forget to let us know why you want to attend this training school. The number of participants for this training school is limited, register now!
The training school will take place at ENS – PSL, in the department of chemistry. Classes will be given in the old library (room R) and practicals in the NMR laboratory (room ES117). The address of the building is 24, rue Lhomond, 75005 Paris, France.
High-resolution relaxometry is an emerging technique that allows us to measure field-dependent relaxation over orders of magnitude of magnetic field on a commercial high-field spectrometer. Dynamics of large biomolecules and interactions in mixtures can be determined in a site- and molecule-specific manner. High-resolution relaxometry opens great opportunities to probe molecular dynamics in liquids.
The training school will include classes in the morning by experts and practicals in the afternoon. During the practicals, you will be able to use a prototype of sample shuttle developed by Bruker and installed in the NMR lab at ENS-PSL. Yes, you will shoot a sample at 100 km/h!
You will also learn how to analyze large relaxation datasets.
Program of the Training course on high-resolution relaxometry:
Monday March 17
- 9h00-10h30: Fabien Ferrage et al. High-resolution relaxometry instrumentation and experiment design
- 10h30-11h00: coffee break
- 11h00-12h00: Philippe Pelupessy, Cross-relaxation in NMR: mechanisms (auto- and cross-correlated), measurement methods, how to suppress its effects
- 12h00-14h00: lunch
- 13h30-15h30: Practical 1 and 2 in parallel for small groups
- Practical 1: Running a high-resolution relaxometry experiment
- Practical 2: Analysis of high-resolution relaxometry datasets
- 15h30-16h00: coffre break
- 16h00-18h00: Practical 1 and 2 in parallel for small groups
- 19h00-21h00: dinner
Tuesday March 18
- 9h00-10h30: Arthur G. Palmer, ps-ns dynamics in biomolecules: high-field approaches and additional information from relaxometry
- 10h30-11h00: coffee break
- 11h00-12h00: Guillaume Bouvignies et al., Relaxation experiments beyond exponential decays: Integrating the Master equation. Numerical methods, applications to chemical exchange, relaxometry
- 12h00-14h00: lunch
- 13h30-15h30: Practical 1 and 2 in parallel for small groups
- Practical 1: Running a high-resolution relaxometry experiment
- Practical 2: Analysis of high-resolution relaxometry datasets
- 15h30-16h00: coffre break
- 16h00-18h00: Practical 1 and 2 in parallel for small groups
- 19h00-21h00: dinner
Wednesday March 19
- 9h00-10h30: Claudio Luchinat and Giacomo Parigi Relaxation profiles and correlation times of paramagnetic systems
- 10h30-11h00: coffee break
- 11h00-12h00: Lucas Siemons, Combining NMR relaxation and molecular dynamics simulations in biomolecules
- 12h00-14h00: lunch