The team at University of Warmia and Mazury, in Olsztyn, Poland, is led by Danuta Kruk.

Danuta Kruk – specialist in the theory of spin resonances and relaxation processes. Interested in relaxation process in condensed matter and solid state, dynamical properties of macromolecular systems (proteins, polymers), transport phenomena and dynamics of solid and liquid electrolytes, relaxation processes in paramagnetic and superparamagnetic systems, novel contrast agents for MRI and NMR relaxometry for medical diagnosis.

Adriane Consuelo Leal Auccaise completed her undergraduate studies at the Ponta Grossa State University in Physics. In 2013 she started her research carrier developing procedures for preparing superconductivity samples in Alcione Roberto Jurelo’s group. In 2016-2017 she changed her reserach area to Quantum Information She moved to the São Carlos Institute of Physics – IFSC/USP in Tito Bonagamba’s group State University São Paulo 2018-2022 to investigate spin dynamics of quadrupolar systems to be applied to Quantum Information Processing.

Elzbieta Masiewicz – NMR relaxometry experiments, procedures for data acquisition and analysis, relaxation models for various spin systems, especially liquid electrolytes, ionic liquids, and tissue-mimicking systems.
Adam Kasparek (left) – physicist supporting our software specialists: Radoslaw Cybulski (middle) and Bartosz Nowak (right).