The HIRES-MULTIDYN project is coordinated by the team at Ecole Normale Supérieure PSL in Paris, France.
The team is part of the NMR group at the Department of Chemistry of the Ecole Normale Superieure PSL, Paris, in the Laboratoire des BioMolécules (UMR 7203, CNRS, ENS – PSL, Sorbonne Université). The group offers a unique environment where the research activity on magnetic resonance encompasses pulse sequence and hardware developments for liquid-state and solid-state NMR, MRI and hyperpolarization, as well as applications to a range of biomolecular systems.

Team members:

Fabien Ferrage is the coordinator of the project. He is a senior scientist at CNRS and associate professor at ENS – PSL. He is a specialist of NMR methodology and instrumentation, mostly for protein dynamics. His recent work has been focused on the development of high-resolution relaxometry and two-field NMR.

Guillaume Bouvignies is associate scientiste at CNRS. He focusses on the development of novel NMR techniques for studying biomolecular structure and dynamics and the application of the newly developed methodologies to gain insight into the role of conformational dynamics in mediating important biological processes. His domain of expertise covers all aspects of biomolecular NMR spectroscopy, from pulse sequence design to data analysis, as well as molecular modeling and computational programming.

Philippe Pelupessy is a research engineer at CNRS. He is an expert in methodology of all flavors of NMR: solution-state NMR of proteins and small molecules, solid-state NMR, MRI, etc.

Alessandro Ruda is a post-doctoral researcher at ENS. He obtained a PhD at the Stockholm University (Sweden) where he focused his work on the structural analysis of glycans and their interactions with macromolecules from a pletora of different biological systems using organic synthesis, liquid state NMR and molecular dynamics simulations. He joined Fabien Ferrage’s group and the HIRES-MULTIDYN project in 2022 where he works on the development of new sequences and methods of analysis of small molecules in the context of high-resolution NMR relaxometry.

Lucas is a post-doctoral researcher in Fabien Ferrage’s research group. His work focuses on using computational approaches in combination with NMR experiments to characterise the dynamics occuring within both proteins and nucleic acids. As part of his work in Paris he has looked at interpreting low field relaxation experiments in DNA and comparing it to molecular dynamics simulations. In the HIRES-MULTIDYN project he is expanding this work to look at proteins, in particular p38 gamma. In addition to this he is developing Deep learning methods to process Fast Field Cycling experiments.

Ana Paula Aguilar Alva joined as a PhD student in October 2023. She graduated as a Food Chemist from UNAM in Mexico City in 2020 and finished her master in Chemistry and Life Sciences from Chimie ParisTech – PSL University in Paris in 2023, where she worked in the project as an intern during her master’s internships. Her work is studying protein dynamics with High Resolution Relaxometry.
Stéphanie Toetsch is a project manager with great experience both in research and in project management. After a Master in biomedical engineering, in Paris, she obtained a PhD in biophysics from Trinity College Dublin. Back in France, she worked for ANR, the main funding agency in France, obtained a Master in management of research and innovation from Paris-Dauphine, and was a project manager at ESPCI Paris for several years.